Vivo has launched its latest affordable smartphone, the Vivo Y18i, in India, targeting consumers looking for a budget-friendly option under Rs. 10,000. The smartphone is powered by the Unisoc T612 chipset and runs on Funtouch OS 14, based on Android 14. The Vivo Y18i is designed to offer a decent performance with its 6.56-inch LCD screen featuring a 90Hz refresh rate and 13-megapixel rear camera. With a 5,000mAh battery and IP54 rating for dust and splash resistance, the device is set to make a mark in the budget segment.
Vivo Y18i Price in India and Availability
The Vivo Y18i is priced at Rs. 7,999 for its sole 4GB+64GB RAM and storage variant. The smartphone is available in two color options: Gem Green and Space Black. It is already available for purchase through Vivo’s official e-store, as well as on Amazon, Flipkart, and major retailers like Croma, making it easily accessible to consumers across the country.
Vivo Y18i Specifications and Features
The device sports a 6.56-inch HD+ LCD display with a variable refresh rate between 60Hz and 90Hz, providing a smooth visual experience. The 13-megapixel primary camera is accompanied by a 0.08-megapixel secondary sensor for depth information, while a 5-megapixel front camera handles selfies and video calls. With 64GB of internal storage, expandable up to 1TB via a MicroSD card, the device offers ample storage options. Additionally, the Vivo Y18i includes essential connectivity features like Wi-Fi 5, Bluetooth 5, and GPS and has a USB Type-C port for charging its 5,000mAh battery, which supports 15W fast charging. The phone’s IP54 rating ensures protection against dust and splashes, adding to its durability.