Samsung has introduced the Galaxy Book 4 Edge with a Snapdragon X Plus 8-core chipset, designed for enhanced AI capabilities. This new model, part of Samsung’s Copilot+ PC series, features a 15-inch display and supports Wi-Fi 7. It is equipped with AI-driven features such as Cocreator, Windows Studio Effects, and Live Captions. This launch follows the success of the original Galaxy Book 4 Edge, which is available in 14-inch and 16-inch versions.
Samsung Galaxy Book 4 Edge 15-Inch Price and Availability
While the price of the 15-inch Samsung Galaxy Book 4 Edge has yet to be revealed, it is confirmed to be released in select markets, including France, Germany, Italy, Korea, Spain, the UK, and the US, starting from October 10. The laptop will be available in a single color option, Sapphire Blue.
Samsung Galaxy Book 4 Edge 15-Inch Specifications and Features
The new 15-inch Samsung Galaxy Book 4 Edge comes with a 15.6-inch full-HD display offering a 16:9 aspect ratio, 300 nits of brightness, and a 60Hz refresh rate. Powered by the Snapdragon X Plus 8-core CPU with Adreno GPU and Hexagon NPU, it promises strong performance, including AI capabilities. The laptop is available with 16GB of RAM and up to 512GB of storage. It features Bluetooth 5.3, Wi-Fi 7, and offers a range of ports, including USB Type-C, HDMI 2.1, and microSD. The device includes a 61.2Wh battery supporting 65W fast charging and claims up to 26 hours of video playback on a single charge.