Oppo has officially teased the launch of its upcoming smartphone, the Oppo F27 5G, in India. The Chinese tech giant made the announcement on Monday, August 12, via a post on the microblogging platform X (formerly Twitter). While the exact launch date remains under wraps, the teaser image reveals a glimpse of the phone’s rear design, showcasing a circular camera module with dual rear cameras. This design bears a resemblance to the Oppo F27 Pro+ 5G, which was launched earlier in June.
Alleged Live Images Reveal Design Details
In addition to the teaser, alleged live images of the Oppo F27 5G have surfaced online, providing a sneak peek at the handset’s design. The images reveal a hole-punch display with noticeable bezels, a feature that deviates from the leather back of the F27 Pro+ 5G. The Oppo F27 5G is also shown with a dual-tone gradient finish, indicating a possible shift in the design language from its predecessor.
Speculated Specifications and Market Position
While Oppo has not disclosed the full specifications of the Oppo F27 5G yet, rumors suggest that the smartphone will be available in two variants: 8GB RAM + 128GB storage and 8GB RAM + 256GB storage. Positioned below the Oppo F27 Pro+ 5G, which starts at Rs. 27,999, the new F27 5G is expected to offer a competitive price point. The F27 Pro+ 5G, powered by a MediaTek Dimensity 7050 chipset, features a 64-megapixel dual rear camera and a 5,000mAh battery with 67W fast charging. It remains to be seen how the F27 5G will differentiate itself in this crowded market segment.