Xiaomi has launched its new Xiaomi X Pro QLED Smart TV series in India, expanding its portfolio of home entertainment products. The lineup features three different display sizes—43-inch, 55-inch, and 65-inch—each offering 4K resolution and powered by Google’s TV platform. The TVs come with Xiaomi’s Vivid Picture Engine and support for HDR10 content, ensuring a premium viewing experience.
Pricing and Availability
The Xiaomi X Pro QLED series starts at ₹34,999 for the 43-inch model, ₹49,999 for the 55-inch variant, and ₹69,999 for the 65-inch version. However, with an ICICI bank discount, the prices drop to ₹29,999, ₹44,999, and ₹62,999, respectively. These TVs will be available for purchase starting August 30 through Mi.com, Amazon, Flipkart, and Xiaomi retail stores.
Key Specifications
The Xiaomi X Pro QLED series features 4K displays with a 60Hz refresh rate and up to 97.40% screen-to-body ratio. They run on a quad-core Cortex-A55 processor paired with 2GB of RAM and 32GB of storage. The TVs also offer Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM), Motion Estimation Motion Compensation (MEMC), and Dolby Atmos Passthrough via eARC. Additionally, they are equipped with 30W dual speakers, support for Dolby Audio, and multiple connectivity options, including Bluetooth 5.0 and Wi-Fi.